Quality Management System
Today, the quality management system supports our customers’ loyalty and proves our ability to fulfill the company’s obligations while ensuring timely and reliable delivery of customers’ cargoes all over the Pakistan.
Social Responsibility
Ever since its foundation, BSL transport company has these been showcasing steady development and increase of key indicators at times of both market growth and the Pakistan financial crisis.
Groupage cargo transportation
Regardless of how small your consignment is, we minimize transport expenses by consolidating different consignors’ cargoes. Efficient allocation of transportation capacities allows keeping our shipping rates at lowest level. That is why BSL is considered of most loyal national logistic companies.Our vehicle fleet
Vivamus in diam turpis. In condimentum maximus tristique. Maecenas non laoreet odio. Fusce lobortis porttitor purus, vel vestibulum libero pharetra.

Welcome to the BSL
The Logistics Industry in Pakistan has evolved from goods being transported across rickety single carriageway roads to today’s modern, customized fleet vehicles plying multi-lane motorway networks.

Fusce justo quis arcu
Fusce ut velit laoreet, tempus arcu eu, molestie tortor. Nam vel justo.
In maximus tristique
Aliquam consectetur orci eget dictum tristique. Aenean ut vestibulum.
Nulla sit amet vestibulum
Maecenas sit amet molestie leo. Morbi vitae urna mauris. Nulla.
Tortor eget sodales
In malesuada, tortor eget sodales mollis, mauris lectus hendrerit purus.A Multi-dimensional Approach
BSL Group, through the years of its operational experience, wealth of expertise and business acumen has built up a diversified and varied business portfolio, to give the best advantage to its clientele, seeking business solutions under the “One-Stop, Many-Solutions” principle.